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to tose i can't stop loving you english letters spanish letters every day, every moment that goes by i think of you. my brain tells me to give up, but my heart says i can't stop loving you. i spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. as much as i try to pretend, the truth is, i can't stop loving you. i don't know how to stop. i will cherish the moments we have spent together, from our very first kiss to our last. i miss the way you kissed me, the way you looked at me and rubbed my face. i miss you calling me "ms. maynard" (because you know it gets on my nerves). i miss you missing me, i miss everything about you. i miss our phone conversations, and the way we would spend hours talking about our native countries, and the different ways we grew up. but most of all, i miss my best friend. i will place the moments we've shared together in a time capsule and hide it in the most secret place of my heart. and maybe 20 years from now, if or when we meet again, maybe then we can both open the capsule together and be reminded of our wonderful friendship. gosh, my life is miserable! i finally met the right guy (you), but he's not available. i'm in love with you, but we can't be together. i've got to tell you, though, for the first time in months, i can finally smile because, although you didn't say much the last time you called, i could tell you still cared. you can keep on denying it, you can keep hiding from it, but you are only lying to yourself. every day i ask myself, "why, why do i feel this way? why can't i stop loving you?" then it dawned on me--you've put a spell on me! just kidding. before i go, i want you to know that you will always have a special place in my heart and, like i've said many times before, i do not regret anything we've done. the only thing i regret is you telling me you love me, because since then you have given me nothing but the cold shoulder. please don't be scared, i want nothing but your friendship, well--i do want more, but i am willing to settle for less. i am not trying to make you feel bad or push you further away. i am just trying to make you understand what's in my heart. i love you with all my heart, and i will always love you.
An open letter to my best friend some people think that friendship is the other form of love; moreover, it’s even considered that this kind of relationship is even more pure, as it’s not about passion, it’s about understanding, help, mutual respect, and support. our dear friends keep us happy just by staying in our lives, and we, in turn, have to remind them how much they mean for us and how much we are grateful for all they do. don’t miss a chance to express your feelings: the emotional and loving messages for the best friends below will give you ideas and inspiration to say ‘i love you, friend’ in the most beautiful way. just imagine how horrible life without friends would be. they give us love, they make us feel special, and we all should always be grateful for such a gift. don’t mince words – take some ideas from the messages below and write your own, nice and sincere letter to the most significant person ever! a lot years from now, i’m gonna look back and remember that you were that one person who could turn every frown into a smile in a few simple words; that person who lifted my head when i was losing faith in myself, that one person who carried tears on his shoulders after every fight, every breakup, every death; that one person that accepted every decision i made, that one person who knew who i really was and that one person that made the biggest difference in my life… my best friend. i love you. i don’t say it enough but i do. we don’t agree on a lot of stuff but one thing we do, is that we couldn’t live without each other. we’ve had each other’s backs for years now and i wouldn’t have survived without you there. you know things about me no one else does, and know me better than i probably do. i trust you the way i trust to no one else and no time or distance apart could ruin the bond we have. i love the way we go right back to how we are no matter how long we’ve been apart and how easy it is to feel at home and safe with you by my side. so many jokes, tears, memories and laughter, fights and dreams, we’ve come a long way and have much farther to go. i’m just glad i’ll have you with me the whole day. dear my best friend in the entire world, i just wanted to say that even though i’ve gone you still mean so much to me and i care so much about our friendship because you are the best friend i could ever ask for. i can call you up and tell you anything, you give the best at advice and listening and understanding. i feel like i can tell you anything and it’s like we are family. you have always been there for me and we have the best times. you are literally like my sibling who brings the best out in me. i know that we are both busy and struggle to find to talk all the time but i know that you haven’t forgotten me and i want to stay in touch forever because when you find such a special friend you never want to lose them. to the loveliest, funniest, craziest and most beautiful best friend in the world- i love you with all my heart and you mean the world to me, please don’t forget! you are more than a friend. you’re my sister, my partner-in-crime, my other half. you know me better than i know myself. you know what i like, what i love, what i hate. you applaud my passions and tolerate my faults. you’re there for me, always. and it’s not always about what we say, or what we do – because you, by yourself, is enough. you, with your smile, your laugh, your friendship – it’s more than i deserve. we’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’re stronger than ever. because there’s no me without you. you’re part of me – part of me, my life, my family, my entire world. they share joy, sadness, wins, and losses with us, they grow up with us, and they are the first who make us understand that there is a beautiful feeling called friendship. they are our schoolmates, and they deserve to hear the best words expressing our true feelings! • thank you for your help. thank you for your support and encouragement. thank you for making me smile again. you are one of the secrets to my success at school. thank you for always being my best supporter. • thank you so much for your care, kindness, and for being such an amazing classmate. i just wanted you to know that i am happy to have such a wonderful person in my life. i will remember you in my thoughts forever. thank you. for being you. for being the most wonderful best friend i could ever ask for. • i will never forget everything that you have done for me in this world. thank you for being there for me during my ups and downs in life. i’m always pleased to see you by my side. • there is no such thing as coincidence! people met for a special reason. but whatever it is, i’m so glad i have you in my life! clueless? oh come on! let’s just say that we are meant to befriend. some people think that there is no friendship between two girls, but we are sure that you and your girlfriend can prove that they are terribly wrong. just check out the good quotes we collected for you! if they are about you two, please, feel free to use them to show your deep love and respect! • for my sweetest friend, i am so glad to have a friend like you. you’re caring and understanding nature in spite of the fights is what makes me feel lucky to have you as my friend. • when i look at you, all i can see through your eyes is purity and love and that undoubtedly makes you the truest friend i know. • since the day we met, we always had a strong and wonderful connection between us. you are my best friend and i really treasure our friendship bond. • thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. my riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like you – a precious gift from god! you don’t need a special occasion to write something nice to your bff, who is always there for you. so don’t miss your chance – it costs nothing for you, but such gesture is still able to make him or her smile! • if i could give you one thing in life, i would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. only then would you realize how special you are to me. • never say you’re happy when you’re really sad. never say you’re fine when you’re not ok. never say you feel good when you feel bad and never say you’re alone when you still have me. • in the rhythm of life sometimes v find ourselves out of tune but as long as there are people like u to provide the melody – the beat goes on! • life is unpredictable. you may not live long and miss out telling your friends that they’re appreciated. so i’m telling you now that life won’t be the same without you as one of my friends. • thank you for being there for me when i call you and need someone to just listen. it doesn’t matter where we are in this world or in our lives, i know you will always pick up. just think, you wake up early in the morning, check your mail, and see such cool friendly message! sounds great, right? so why not to use one of these great emotional quotes to cheer your bff up? • thank you for the moments of silence we share together, where words don’t need to be said, but we know we are in it together. • galileo: great mind. einstein: genius mind. newton: extra-ordinary mind. bill gates: brilliant mind. you and me: never mind! as long as we are friends, i don’t mind! • thank you for texting me and keeping up with me more thoroughly than my significant others have. • i may be gone for a minute, second, hours and for a day, but i will always be here for you. i might not be able to greet you “gud am”, “gud pm” or “gudnyt”, but i will never say fearwell
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To my best friend tose   i think you were placed in my life for a reason. i sometimes find myself wondering what i did to deserve you but also question how lucky i got to have a friend like you. i am beyond grateful for all of the adventures we have gone on, all of the memories that we have made, and all of the inside jokes that have accumulated over the years. from the second we met in sixth grade; i knew this was a relationship that was going to last forever.   our sleepless sleepovers, endless laughing, and midnight feast cooking are only a few of my favorite moments i will forever be able to cherish with you. no time spent with you is ever wasteful, it's something i always look forward to. it doesn't even matter if the two of us hanging out together includes chilling on the couch and watching our favorite cartoons.   everyone deserves to have at least one friend that they can rely on and trust them with anything and everything, and for me, you're that person. i feel the most comfortable opening up to you with whatever is on my mind or what is bothering me because i know there will be no judgment. you're my safe haven and you always will be. don't forget, it's a two-way street. although you are always here for me, please remember that i am also always here for you when you need someone. it doesn’t even matter what time of the day you need someone; i will always be available with my undivided attention.   without you, i honestly have no idea where i would be in life. you have taught me to believe in myself and to chase my dreams if i didn't have the encouragement that you've given me, i wouldn't be doing what i'm doing. the amount of motivation and reassurance that i’ve been supplied with by you has forced me to go after opportunities that i would usually be scared to do. i’ve broken out of my quiet, shy shell. i’ve become a person that i’m happy with, never did i ever think i would be able to say that. you have helped shape who i am, and you continue to do so – you will forever hold a special place in my heart.   i know this is going to be extremely cliché, but i know we're practically sisters. we have the same interests, the same hobbies, the same sense of humor, the same favorite foods, and the same lacking amount of enthusiasm when it comes to hiking (ha-ha). everything just feels right with you. life feels complete whenever you’re around and i couldn’t be anymore thankful.   we’ve gone from seeing each other every day for hours on end and slowly began to see each other less and less as time went on, but don’t be fooled, we are closer than ever. we have had a long-distance type of friendship for the past four years, with me being in college and you working at home, it gets tough not seeing you as much as i used to. never have we ever let this ruin us. the distance did quite the opposite actually – it brought us even closer to each other. when i get the chance to come home, without hesitation we immediately make plans to see each other which makes me happier than you would probably imagine. thank you for always being there for me and having a shoulder for me to cry on when i need it. thank you for living life to the fullest with me, i wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else. our friendship has been full of laughter, smiles, and adventure so far, i am fully ready to see what it holds for us in the future. here’s to ten years of being friends and to the infinite amount of years to come. i love you to the moon and back.   love, always and forever mary
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To my best friend tose you are an angel poem you’re an angel author: kid you're an angel that nobody can see, still an angel is what you are to me an angel from heaven is what you are in my sky you're definably a heavenly star you're an angel with beauty & grace you're kind & sweet, you have an angel face you have very graceful angel wings happiness and joy are just some things that an angel can give in my heart & mind is where you're living you have hair as soft as the white clouds a guardian angel is what ive gotten. your eyes are like sapphires that shine bright. when everything is dark, you give me light. you're an angel that gives me a reason to live, you're an angel that teaches me to give. you're an angel that teaches me the right things to say. you're my angel & ill always care. you're my angel & you know ill always be there.
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