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To tose my best friend always and forever i have a special friend one whom i can trust. she deserves a trophy and that i feel a must. you see she is so precious her kind are rare and few. debbie your an angel and i think the world of you. if ever i need to talk my friend i know your there, holding out your arms and showing that you care debbie  you are special friends like you are hard to find i must be one of the lucky ones to have you in my life.
To tose to my best friend in heaven, you gained your wings and i lost my best friend. i never could wrap my mind around the thought of losing you, but now it is a reality and accepting that is a battle of its own. my heart is shattered and every time i go to pick the pieces up it just hurts more and more. the pain is paralyzing and makes me go numb from head to toe. my life will truly never be the same without you living in it by my side. i miss you beyond measures. our friendship was unlike any other, and i will be forever grateful for that. you knew me better than i knew myself. it was you who could send me a text or give me a call and brighten my day no matter how dark i was feeling. you showed me how to look at life as a whole and not dwell on little things that would not matter in a few months. when i first met you i knew that you would be very special to me just by the way you made me feel like i had known you my whole life. you turned some of my darkest days into memories i would never want to forget. i know that when i met you we were both working through our own very different struggles, but the way we came together to conquer them together was such a beautiful thing. i cannot even begin to tell you how much you changed my life these past few years. to my best friend in heaven, you gained your wings and i lost my best friend. i never could wrap my mind around the thought of losing you, but now it is a reality and accepting that is a battle of its own. my heart is shattered and every time i go to pick the pieces up it just hurts more and more. the pain is paralyzing and makes me go numb from head to toe. my life will truly never be the same without you living in it by my side. i miss you beyond measures. our friendship was unlike any other, and i will be forever grateful for that. you knew me better than i knew myself. it was you who could send me a text or give me a call and brighten my day no matter how dark i was feeling. you showed me how to look at life as a whole and not dwell on little things that would not matter in a few months. when i first met you i knew that you would be very special to me just by the way you made me feel like i had known you my whole life. you turned some of my darkest days into memories i would never want to forget. i know that when i met you we were both working through our own very different struggles, but the way we came together to conquer them together was such a beautiful thing. i cannot even begin to tell you how much you changed my life these past few years. to my best friend in heaven, you gained your wings and i lost my best friend. i never could wrap my mind around the thought of losing you, but now it is a reality and accepting that is a battle of its own. my heart is shattered and every time i go to pick the pieces up it just hurts more and more. the pain is paralyzing and makes me go numb from head to toe. my life will truly never be the same without you living in it by my side. i miss you beyond measures. our friendship was unlike any other, and i will be forever grateful for that. you knew me better than i knew myself. it was you who could send me a text or give me a call and brighten my day no matter how dark i was feeling. you showed me how to look at life as a whole and not dwell on little things that would not matter in a few months. when i first met you i knew that you would be very special to me just by the way you made me feel like i had known you my whole life. you turned some of my darkest days into memories i would never want to forget. i know that when i met you we were both working through our own very different struggles, but the way we came together to conquer them together was such a beautiful thing. i cannot even begin to tell you how much you changed my life these past few years.
Dear tose it's nice to have met you. we've been friends for god-knows-how-long, and you're always there for me. thank you so much for the love and care. i may not be the best 'best friend', but you will always be the best personal body guard for me(hehe). if ever you feel sad, remember that i am here. even if we live a thousand lives, i will always pick you as my beloved best friend. and i'm sorry i always burn the hell out of the eggs that i cook for you, but i'm sure you're too kind to even tell me to stop trying before i burn down the house. and i'm sorry i copy your math assignment all the time. i mean, i suck at math and i need to because i'm too lazy to do my math hw. i mean, i let you copy my english work, so...i guess it's fair? anyway, it's fun being with you. hope you never change. and yes, sorry for calling you names. faithfully yours, i love u tose love always and forever mary
i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and miss u sooooooooooooooooooooo much best friends forever © melissa magaliff published: october 2008 best friends, the title we chose, but what does it mean to be "best friends"? you should see each other every day? well that's not true for you and me. should silly little fights get in our way? only if that's how it's meant to be. should we give? should we borrow? should we dance like there's not tomorrow? secrets are traded, privacy invaded, hugs and smiles are shared, tears are shed, love is spread. we know that we both really cared. i smile, you smile. you cry, i cry. i wish, you wish. you die, i die. if you fall, i'll help you up, and if you call, i'll always pick up. best friends forever... the promise we made, and i know in my heart that it will never fade. source:
To my best friend forever tose i love u and miss u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much i'll never forget you by dying soul apr 25, 2006 category : sadness, depression / lost relationships i'll never forget you i promise you i won't i'll never stop loving you i promise you i won't i can't promise i won't miss you and i can't promise i won't cry all that i can promise is that i'll do my best to try i hope i see you again shipped out at age nineteen to join the marines please come back to me i remember your smile i can't forget your laugh i still feel your hugs how can i forget? you made me laugh you made me cry you gave me hope and made me try you threw me down into depression then you reached out and pulled me back up i know you care you gave me my life i'm so glad i met you i think about you a lot there's no way i could forget you we've been through too much i'll never forget you i promise you i won't i'll never stop loving you i promise you i won't
To my best friend forever tose i will never forget you each time they say your name a tear forms in my eye how can i be happy if all i seem to do is cry? you wern't supposed to leave me this has to be a dream i cant accept your absence and take goodbye for what it means you left me lost and broken i still can't find my way months have passed real slowly but it's harder every day. i thought you were forever you talked like you would stay every time i love someone they get taken away none of this should have happened your place is next to mine i am not going to listen the hurt won't ease in time i will never forget you though we are far apart i miss you so much ryan and love you with all my heart
Здравствуйте! От времени до времени охота передохнуть и песня дули дули нередко в тему, то есть здесь мне приходит на подмогу музыка... за прослушиванием самые слушаемые песни 2020 года я могу быть несколько часов подряд Так оно прикольные песни текст при высококачественном звуке делает своё дело и музыка 80 онлайн бесплатно тоже Любой приглядывает место где слушать треки онлайн, и я избираю Главное достоинство этого аудио сервиса, что он не требует регистрации и смс Посоветуете где есть песня господа? Спасибо за подсказки Теги: музыка радио бесплатно, музыка 2020 новинки mp3, песни кавказа, иванов песни слушать онлайн, текст песни гот песни 90 х слушать веселая музыка
to my best friend forever i have a best friend who's a girl and my classmate. we are so close to each other. she's cute, beautiful, and smart, and i fell in love with her. then i shared my feelings for her, and she said that she loves me too, but her parents will not allow her to have a boyfriend. featured shared story my best friend is the best thing that ever happened to me. whenever i need her she's always there, no matter what. i prayed to god to send me someone i can trust in, and he did. i will... read complete story share your story! (4) print i love you, friend © jerson published: august 2010 every time i look at you, i feel there's something new. my friend, my dearest friend, i don't know what makes you special in my heart. it's been a long time that we've been together. the happiness and sorrow that we share with each other, the problems that we solve together, our experiences make our relationship stronger. i don't care what other people will say because of my heart's decision. my friend, listen to me. i'm lucky i found you. i treat you as my friend, and now my heart chose you as my love. because during the time we cross our sight or see each others eyes, i realize that god is there. "the beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides." i love you, friend
To tose my best friend thank you for being my best friend by mila jaroniec, may 8th 2012 885k dear best friend, i originally wanted to write you a letter about why you’re my best friend and saturate it with all the generic reasons and adorable anecdotes, but i’m not going to do that because you already know why you’re my best friend, duh. if you didn’t, we probably wouldn’t have remained friends all these years. ten years? thirteen? i actually have no idea. of course i don’t — i have no concept of time whatsoever. if it were up to me no one’s birthday or graduation or other important event would be remembered, because that’s the type of person i am; i can’t make it anywhere on time, or even on day, and i tend to forget where i’m going to begin with. but you remember things like this, and you know exactly how long we’ve been best friends. that will be the first thing you tell me after you read this. thank you for knowing that. thank you for knowing all the things i don’t. thank you for always being closest to me even when we were in separate time zones and separate stages of life. thank you for not letting us get split by dumb facts like distance or time. thank you for never giving up on our friendship, for never shrugging and being like “eh, things change, people change” and drifting away vaguely because we’re victims of circumstance. we all get distant to a certain degree when we make huge transitions but you didn’t let me get very far because you knew what was truly important. thank you for taking care of me in every way possible, for being there when no one else was or wanted to be and when you didn’t even have to be. everyone has those friends who are close but not really; who you always feel kind of awkward and weird about asking for help and like you have to clarify you’ll do them some kind of favor in return, but you’re not one of those. you never got mad when i didn’t call you for weeks on end because i was too busy being someone’s girlfriend, but you were right there to pick up my heart-splinters when things predictably shattered. you were and are there for everything, no bargaining or explanations needed. thank you for being a different friend than everyone else, different from the friends who are only there for the fun things, the art museums and shopping and benders and brunch. i’ve never been to an art museum with you because i’m sure we would end up arguing over whether or not basquiat was any good, and we both know going on a bender isn’t worth it because you always pass out first, but i still feel like i can do anything with you and it won’t suck. thank you for always being fun even when we’re not having fun. i don’t know how else to explain that. thank you for believing in me when i was too weak and exhausted to believe in myself. thank you for pushing me, for repeating those affirmations that don’t mean anything in inspirational films but mean everything when someone who cares about you says them. thank you for not judging me when i did something really stupid, but also thanks for telling me i was an idiot and probably shouldn’t have done the stupid thing. thank you for always being honest. thank you for doing all the things a real best friend does; for letting me sob into your shoulder when i need to and handing me the flask when there aren’t any more words. thank you for always knowing who i am and reminding me of that when i forget. thank you for being genuinely concerned with the outcome of my life and always listening, even when you’re tired. thank you for telling me the things no one wants to hear and sparing the bullshit advice. i can’t think of many other people i’d actually take a bullet for. and yeah, i know everyone likes to make grand emotional claims like that in courier typeface against some polaroid of a lonely lamppost, but the difference is i’d actually do it. love always,
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To tose i love you message to a friend is a way to express your feeling of happiness to your friend and the words of the message give a thank you note for supporting you always. friends are a beautiful part of our life and we don’t imagine a life without friends. your love you message to your friends expresses your thought to your friend and it always brings you closer to him/her. we present a unique and nice collection of i love you message to a friend that helps you to present your emotion to your loved one. funny i love you messages to a friend bring a sweet smile on your friend’s face by sending a funny i love you message to him/her. the message presents you emotion through a funny way. you can send your text with a gift or a card to your friend. “life would be hell if you are not with me; my gossip may remain secret, fun and entertainment might turn back to me; no smile had ever appeared on my face if you didn’t come into my life. i am lucky to have you as my friend. always be my friend forever. ” i love you messages to a sick friend write a beautiful note for your friend and let him/her know how much you care for your friends. i love message to a sick friend is all about cheering your friend mood by bringing some fun loving past memories. a text message can express your true emotion. “our memory made our yesterday alive, and our hope makes the tomorrow beautiful and our today give us the reason of life. as long as you are with me, i can feel the every bit of joy in my life. you always stay in my heart and i never make you alone.” miscellaneous samples of i love you message to a friend “sharing my pain with you gives me a great relief and sharing my smile with you broadens my happiness. it is the true emotion i share with you and i wish you always be my friend forever. thank you taking me such a joyful ride with you.” “a true friend is one who scolds you in your wrong, who praises you in your success and who guides you in you need and who always takes your side and never stop believing you no matter what the situation is, you are my true friend and i love you.” “friendship is a bonding of love, where even silence can speak the tale of the hearts, where tears are shared and so are the smiles. a friend always supports you even after your mistake. you are the one god sent for me to enjoy the life.” “you are my friend of fight and love; but we are happy what we are; be always the same and stay forever in my heart; in our relation, there is no complain and no but; i will be your friends as long as i live.” “i locked you up in the room of my heart and throw away the keys so you never come out from there; be with me in my joy and pain; you are the smile of my every gain. never let me alone and i will always be with you.”
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