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Toseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuu
a poem for my best friend jul 10, 2018 dear friend, grace would look like you. even when you forget who you are, i know your truth, and if you asked me how i knew, i’d have tears in my eyes trying to bottle into words everything you’ve given and everything you’ve been.   my friend, if i were to offer one word to describe you, there is no hesitation and only affirmation: love. above all else, you are love without end — the kind that sometimes shows up as grace on an old friend’s doorstep, the kind with no conditions that walks in for tea but leaves you with so much more. the only kind of love that really exists: this is what you’ve been to me, and if you ever forget your name, just ask me: i would know. . . . tell me: which part of this poem is your favorite? tell me in the comments. i read every single one, and i’d love to know! be someone who reminds someone else what love really means. with love, jen comments on this post (3) • apr 14, 2020 can you help me write a poem for my best friend? — abhilasha • feb 17, 2020 keep writing and keep reading :) — jennifer williamson • feb 17, 2020 i wana b a poet can u help me plz — nice poem i wrote a poem for my best friend for her 30th birthday this year and wanted to share it with you in case you wanted to share it with “your person.” “i believe there are no random meetings in our lives—that everyone we touch, who touches us, has been put in our path for a reason. the briefest encounter can open a door, or heal a wound, or close a circle that was started long before your birth.” — susanna kearsley, every secret thing this is why i love my best friend: she's the kind of person who walks into the room and says, “here we are!” i know how blessed i am to have this kind of a friend, one who hears and sees; not everyone has that. best friendship is a blessing. i do think, though, that no matter how old we get, there's always room for that kind of real connection. beautiful people don’t just exist—they are everywhere. you never know when you’ll run into someone who makes you remember what love really means. if every relationship was first grounded in friendship, the world would be a brighter place. in honor of the girl who has heard and seen me through the hardest, darkest moments of my life, who's helped me become a friend to myself, this poem. a "thank you." an "i love you." and if you want to celebrate your person with poetry, go visit my shop for prints of handwritten poems and other words of hope and heart. your bff will love it. a poem for my best friend sitting here, no words seem right because i’m trying to bottle into words what you’ve meant to me in all these seasons of my life. you have been every color and shade of friendship, every kind of medicine for a soul. your heart has helped mine to remember how to be whole. when i thought it was the end, you helped me figure out how to start again.   let me tell you who you are to someone who loves everything you are: you are grace embodied, and even if you have tears in your eyes,
To my best friend tose to my best friend, i will always love you being friends is about sharing our lives with others. there are some aspects of our lives that require that we spend a lot of time together or a lot of writing to help convey our feelings. other times sharing only a few words are more than adequate. it is not always the long conversation that conveys the deepest feelings. sometimes, longer modes of expression may seem redundant and lacking in profundity. putting just the right combination of words on paper in a succinct style may just hit the spot. source:
to my best friend forever tose olivia ibay poems comments stats biography send message share on facebook share on twitter poems by olivia ibay : 5 / 12 « prev. poem next poem » my heart belongs to you poem by olivia ibay autoplay next video i composed this poem as a proof of my love for you i will fulfill all my vows wherever i will go i want you to know how proud i am to have you shouting it to the world is the best thing i can do. i will love you faithfully while i exist i will stay forever though things may resist i will ask the angels to watch over us and to protect our relationship so that it will last. my life changed since the day you came i can feel the blissfulness for each moment we spent i will still choose you if i will have a chance to live again in my next life, i will search for you in heaven. i'm thankful that god sent me someone like you i couldn't explain how does my feelings grow i am sure that my love for you is genuine and true today, i promise you that my heart belongs to you.
to tose my best friend forever you'll be forever in my heart the gentleness of your touch, the sweet passion of your kiss, just a couple of many pleasures, i treasure and so longingly miss. so much we've journeyed through, never doubting my love for you, so many realities and dreams, you've made them all come true. we have shared so many joys, and also felt so many sorrows, my faith in love gives me the hope, to believe there is a tomorrow. gifted with your loving harmony, forever you'll be within my heart, no matter what each day brings, in my heart we'll never be apart.
Dear best, friend tose thank you for entering my life. i strongly believe in having "a person," and there is no better person to fit that description than you. for the last two years of my life, i have been through so many different stages, like graduating, falling out with friends, a new school, and through all of the good and bad times, you have been with me. i couldn't thank you enough for that. to me, it is so important for your friends to be proud of you when you get a new job, learn something new, or just accomplish big things. but it's also really important for your friends to just be proud that you got out of bed that day, so today, january 7, i am so proud of you for waking up and just having a day! i want you to know, i don't need a large group of friends when i have one that constantly reminds me all of the time that they are there for me in every way possible. i thought my whole life that i knew what a best friend was, but i was wrong. you've given those words a whole different meaning. nobody could ever compare to you. i used to think a best friend was sleep overs, reckless activities, and spending every day together. i was wrong. a best friend is not seeing them all the time and still being so close it blows your mind, or getting so excited to see the other one when it might have only been a day that you've been apart, being able to call them at any time of day because you need them, feeling like you always have someone in your corner. or just you, you are a best friend. having you as my best has made every individual day better. and i hope to never lose that. if for any reason, we ever fight about something, and i mean really fight about something, i will always want to fix it. i hope you stay around for a long time, because i want you in my life forever. you have made my life so much better since you entered it and the memories that we have made together are one in a million. with that being said, i hope you know how much i appreciate you, how much i appreciate everything that you do for me. and i hope that you know i would do anything for you, without even hesitating because you're my best friend. friends come and go, and relationships with people change over the years and that is okay. if there is ever a time that it seems like we're fading or something is changing, know that i hold the relationship that we once had so close to my heart and i will always look back on the memories. while life takes us through our own path, i hope you know that regardless of where we end up, i will always be there for you. maybe not physically, but emotionally, i will always be there for you. thank you for sticking by me, getting to know my life, showing me the most sincere support and unconditional love. i couldn't thank you enough for the countless amount of times that you have stuck by me when i needed you. i have no idea what i'd do without you sometimes... or all of the time. and i am so happy that i don't ever have to find out. i love you!
my angel © louise severn published: october 2008 i have a special friend one whom i can trust. she deserves a trophy and that i feel a must. you see she is so precious her kind are rare and few. debbie your an angel and i think the world of you. if ever i need to talk my friend i know your there, holding out your arms and showing that you care debbie  you are special friends like you are hard to find i must be one of the lucky ones to have you in my life.
Tose my forever friend Words could never tell you How important you'll always be. Just little things that you do That are especially meant for me. You always seem to remember All the things to do. That makes friends last forever And share a bond so true. I'm so glad God gave to me Someone just like you. He knew that you would be One of the chosen few!
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u toseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee always have always willlllllllllllllllllll
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