Even though you are away from me sometimes you are close inside. often i make up a story in my head to pretend you are here; holding hands at the beach, watching movies together. i create these scenes because i can not stop thinking about you. i want to take you away from my heart, but i can not. when i see your eyes, i look at them and try to forget, but i can't. when i see your eyes, they make me happy and remind me why you are still so deeply stuck in my heart. tell me why you are away from me and sometimes with her. tell me do you want to be with me? i will never forget you. how i can forget your smile? how can i forget your face? how can i forget the red in your face? how can i forget how you were sad to go away from me? how can you go away from me? if you do not want to tell me or can't tell me, then just forget about everything. it could go on for 300 years. you can kiss other lips, but i will never forget you. if tomorrow i die, i will never forget you. they can erase my mind, but i will never forget you. they can erase your story, but i will never forget your story. if you say that you never liked me or loved me i will deal with it. but i need to move on. tell me why you're out of my life but you settle here in my heart. tell me without talking and make me feel what i feel about you. but everything happens for a reason. i know that bad things always touch me, but they don't harm me. i won't let them.