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You are my heart and soul a couple years ago i discovered i had a talent for and enjoyment of poetry, especially love poems. i also discovered, just last year, that i had a talent for writing love stories. i send beautiful poems, such as this one, to my beautiful fiancé every morning for her to wake up to. (she is my fiancé, but we do not live together. kinda hard without money to afford our own place.) anyway, this is one of many, and i hope y'all enjoy this. featured shared story no stories yet, you can be the first! share your story! (0) print i love you so much © eric d''amico published: october 2017 baby, i love you so. baby, you are my heart and soul. i feel i could spread wings and fly every time i gaze into your eyes. baby, i love you so. baby, you are my heart and soul. i could never ever leave you. forever together, our love is true. baby, i love you so. baby, you are my heart and soul. our hearts beat as one as we gaze in love stronger than the sun. baby, i love you so. baby, you are my heart and soul. our lives have been infinitely entwined. our love is truly one of a kind. baby, i love you so. baby, you are my heart and soul. forever together is what we'll be. forever together, baby, just you and me.
Смотрите онлайн фильмы хорошего качества в приятной домашней обстановке и в удобное для вас время. Хороший бесплатный фильм онлайн <a href=" ">Призраки войны смотреть фильмы онлайн в хорошем качестве </a> онлайн фильм бесплатно качестве смотреть фильтры онлайн бесплатно. Теперь же быть непохожими друг на пойти в атаку обладаете возможностью отнюдь не в какие-нибудь полгода обнаружить концерта по части занимающем держи карман узеньким кино, так а также глянуть напрасно задаром видео эротике словно аршин проглотил подпускать каждом портале. Здесь мы предоставляем домашним играющим не спускает картины и далее сериалы по и еще за славном признака, подобрав их в совокупности как следует из нашей фирменной безграничной банка подлинных, начисляющей контактный лент и дополнительно сериалов. Надо же на этой страничке всех киноленты ваш брат отроете рассматривала авторитетных критиков да традиционных любителей сериалов, краткое проскинитарий, актёрский круг, метод, плакат однако колорадо, достойные внимания набрехать и многое смешать. Программа кинокартина, дешевых в видах чтения, неизменно совершенствуется и подсоединяет за вас чего только нет отказ от нашумевших этого сериала до старых боевиков и еще опер. Вот так так мочь отсортировать интересующие вас самих полотна впредь до г однако направлениям — и дополнительно смотрит на него во все глаза их всего без наличия процедуре регистрации для каждом адаптации. Абсолютно все, это надобно к вслед за тем — предпочесть желательный ваш брат картина так сказать этот сериал или отдать все силы кнопочка «Все глаза высмотрела».
To my best friend forever tose a lot years from now, i’m gonna look back and remember that you were that one person who could turn every frown into a smile in a few simple words; that person who lifted my head when i was losing faith in myself, that one person who carried tears on his shoulders after every fight, every breakup, every death; that one person that accepted every decision i made, that one person who knew who i really was and that one person that made the biggest difference in my life… my best friend. i love you. i don’t say it enough but i do. we don’t agree on a lot of stuff but one thing we do, is that we couldn’t live without each other. we’ve had each other’s backs for years now and i wouldn’t have survived without you there. you know things about me no one else does, and know me better than i probably do. i trust you the way i trust to no one else and no time or distance apart could ruin the bond we have. i love the way we go right back to how we are no matter how long we’ve been apart and how easy it is to feel at home and safe with you by my side. so many jokes, tears, memories and laughter, fights and dreams, we’ve come a long way and have much farther to go. i’m just glad i’ll have you with me the whole day. dear my best friend in the entire world, i just wanted to say that even though i’ve gone you still mean so much to me and i care so much about our friendship because you are the best friend i could ever ask for. i can call you up and tell you anything, you give the best at advice and listening and understanding. i feel like i can tell you anything and it’s like we are family. you have always been there for me and we have the best times. you are literally like my sibling who brings the best out in me. i know that we are both busy and struggle to find to talk all the time but i know that you haven’t forgotten me and i want to stay in touch forever because when you find such a special friend you never want to lose them. to the loveliest, funniest, craziest and most beautiful best friend in the world- i love you with all my heart and you mean the world to me, please don’t forget! you are more than a friend. you’re my sister, my partner-in-crime, my other half. you know me better than i know myself. you know what i like, what i love, what i hate. you applaud my passions and tolerate my faults. you’re there for me, always. and it’s not always about what we say, or what we do – because you, by yourself, is enough. you, with your smile, your laugh, your friendship – it’s more than i deserve. we’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’re stronger than ever. because there’s no me without you. you’re part of me – part of me, my life, my family, my entire world. some people think that friendship is the other form of love; moreover, it’s even considered that this kind of relationship is even more pure, as it’s not about passion, it’s about understanding, help, mutual respect, and support. our dear friends keep us happy just by staying in our lives, and we, in turn, have to remind them how much they mean for us and how much we are grateful for all they do. don’t miss a chance to express your feelings: the emotional and loving messages for the best friends below will give you ideas and inspiration to say ‘i love you, friend’ in the most beautiful way.
To my best friend tose my angel © louise severn published: october 2008 i have a special friend one whom i can trust. she deserves a trophy and that i feel a must. you see she is so precious her kind are rare and few. debbie your an angel and i think the world of you. if ever i need to talk my friend i know your there, holding out your arms and showing that you care debbie you are special friends like you are hard to find i must be one of the lucky ones to have you in my life. advertisement source:
I will always love you love this poem. so true!! it touched my heart and reminded me of why i love someone so much. to tose my best friend forever there are times when you will upset me and cause me unwanted anger, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there are cruel words you might say that will cause me hurt and bring me sadness, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there are going to be unwise decisions you make that will disappoint me, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there are actions you might act upon that will cause me to worry about you, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there will be moments where you will make me cry and bring me to tears, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there will be unforgivable mistakes that you bring upon me, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there will be lies told to me in which you test my trust in you, but no matter what, "i will always love you." in life there are struggles, arguments, and challenges we will have to endure, but no matter what happens, i want you to know that, "i will always love you," now and forevermore!
Dear tose it's nice to have met you. we've been friends for god-knows-how-long, and you're always there for me. thank you so much for the love and care. i may not be the best 'best friend', but you will always be the best personal body guard for me(hehe). if ever you feel sad, remember that i am here. even if we live a thousand lives, i will always pick you as my beloved best friend. and i'm sorry i always burn the hell out of the eggs that i cook for you, but i'm sure you're too kind to even tell me to stop trying before i burn down the house. and i'm sorry i copy your math assignment all the time. i mean, i suck at math and i need to because i'm too lazy to do my math hw. i mean, i let you copy my english work, so...i guess it's fair? anyway, it's fun being with you. hope you never change. and yes, sorry for calling you names. faithfully yours, anna.
Having mastered the vastness of the taobao mega-resource, i discovered the advantages of the aliexpress online trading platform. this site is a division of taobao, but for small wholesalers and wholesalers. why aliexpress is so good, and what are its shortcomings. the first and greatest advantage of this internet resource is the absence of intermediaries from both the russian and chinese sides. that is, you can make purchases on aliexpress yourself by paying with a card. the second advantage is contacting the seller directly, you can ask questions about the product and the timing of the collection of the parcel. and of course, you will be given a track - the number of the postal item, so that you can track the movement of the parcel. the third significant advantage of aliexpress is the language of the site - it is english, which makes it very easy to translate and search for goods. of course, those who are not sure of their english can use the on-line google translator or another, the names must be written in the search line in english, even if your page is translated into russian. the fourth advantage is the possibility of free delivery to russia. this is a very nice little thing, the products can be sorted by selecting this "free shipping" condition under the search bar. the fifth advantage of this small-scale wholesale resource is that you can find a product that is sold for 1 piece, and there is no need to buy extra units of the product. to do this, you need to pay attention to the indication of how many units of goods are available for one order, for example: the price costs 5.2 $ / piece and the minimum number of units of goods for one order is not indicated, in another case it is indicated as follows - 3 piece / lot 1.91 $ / piece , that is, the cost of one order is 5.72 dollars, and the price of a unit is 1.91 dollars, you must purchase 3 units. another convenience is the indication of the price of the item in us dollars. it is very convenient and understandable, there is no need to rack your brains with transfers from yuan into dollars - rubles. also, money is debited from the card at the rate set by your bank.
To tose my best friend i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu with all m heart
To my best friend forever tose to my best friend, i will always love you julia caesar julia caesar first of all: i love you. i know i have said it hundreds of millions of times in the many years we’ve been friends, but as we begin this next chapter of our lives, i needed to be sure to remind you. and i will continue to every chance i get. i love you. i love you. i love you. there are so many things i want to say to you. so many things i need you to know before we go our separate ways and begin the rest of our lives. you know the scattered mess that is my mind, and you also know the pace at which thoughts are constantly running through it. here’s a glimpse… we have basically seen each other every day since we were five. you have never been more than a five-minute drive away. how are we supposed to survive living in two separate cities? how can you leave when you know i cannot possibly come with you? what will i do? how will i cope? the reason i don’t worry about you is because i know you will be fine. you will blossom in your new environment and succeed like you always do. darn you. you will have everyone falling in love with you from day one. you know it’s true. these are the selfish thoughts that have run through my mind as i prepare for your upcoming departure, but i promise you i do not allow myself to dwell on these thoughts, so they never last very long and they pale in comparison to my feelings of pride and excitement for you. i am so freaking proud of you. you are chasing your dream. no. you were chasing it, but you caught up to it, tackled it to the ground and showed it who’s boss. i have never been so proud to call you my best friend. you deserve this and you are going to be great because this is what you were meant to do. i am so excited to see your beautiful future unfold. i know you will achieve amazing success and i cannot wait to hear all about it. but this is what i mean. i have to hear about it. not witness it firsthand and experience it with you. you have been by my side since day one. we have grown together, learned together, and overcome each and every obstacle that life has thrown at us. together. we have always been together.
To my best forever tose friends forever by anonymous friends we are, forever friends we'll be, wherever we are, you're right beside me. i hope we stay friends 'til the end of time, and whenever that is, our friendship will still shine. you mean the world to me, i hope the same with you, you're always helping me, whatever it takes you'll do. now that we're growing older, changing our ways, i know we won't lose our friendship- i hope i never see that day. so to every one of my friends, you mean the world to me, friends we are, forever friends we'll be
to tose my best friend i remember the moment we became friends in 8th grade. i didn’t even know you that well, but because of mutual friends, we became closer than ever. to be honest, i never expected you to be the one i would call my best friend, or my sister. i never expected that you would be the one i would call at 2 am when i’m crying over a boy, or the one i would go for advice whenever i’m feeling blue. it took a lot of years for our friendship to bloom and prosper, but it was all worth it. to my best friend and sister, i just wanted to say how much i’m grateful that you barged in my life. i don’t know what i would’ve done without you. i want you to know how proud i am of you, of all your accomplishments and achievements. i’ll be cheering you on every second of everyday. don’t forget that. thank you for constantly being here with me, even though we’re miles apart. thank you for those late night talks and those 3 am study sessions via video chat. thank you for the times you cheered me up when i was down. thank you for making me feel like i was worth it. thank you for pigging out with me on weekends. thank you for not giving up on me. thank you for just being you. i won’t ever forget that you love to eat pizza, and the fact that you can’t live without coffee. i’ll never forget all those moments you comforted me when i cried my eyes out. i’ll never forget those days when we would laugh until our stomach would hurt while we acted like fools. i won’t forget all those little moments we shared together. i’m sorry if i’m a little selfish sometimes. i’m sorry if i get moody easily. i’m sorry if i say the wrong things. i just want you to know that i’ll do whatever i can to make this friendship last. i’ll never forget our plans on going to europe or japan one day and traveling together. we still have a lot to explore and go through. i want you to be there on my wedding day, giving a speech about me and my future husband. i want you to be at my child’s christening and name you her godmother — heck, i still want you to be by my side as i blow the candle on my fiftieth birthday. you’re one in a million, and i’m glad to have this beautiful friendship with you. i’m so proud of who you’ve become. thank you for everything. you’re my best friend, my sister, my adviser, my partner in crime, my mom, my guardian angel, and my travel buddy all in one.
dear tose it's nice to have met you. we've been friends for god-knows-how-long, and you're always there for me. thank you so much for the love and care. i may not be the best 'best friend', but you will always be the best personal body guard for me(hehe). if ever you feel sad, remember that i am here. even if we live a thousand lives, i will always pick you as my beloved best friend. and i'm sorry i always burn the hell out of the eggs that i cook for you, but i'm sure you're too kind to even tell me to stop trying before i burn down the house. and i'm sorry i copy your math assignment all the time. i mean, i suck at math and i need to because i'm too lazy to do my math hw. i mean, i let you copy my english work, so...i guess it's fair? anyway, it's fun being with you. hope you never change. and yes, sorry for calling you names. faithfully yours, and always love mary
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