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Dear friend to tose my best friend i know. i know it’s been hard. my lack of positivity, my negative mindset, the complaining, the crying, the silence, the stress… the list goes on. it goes without saying that i haven’t had the best year. it hasn’t been one specific thing, just a million little things that have happened & these million little things have seemingly turned me into a person i don’t necessarily enjoy. but, through it all… you’re still here and i don’t even know how to say how thankful i am for that. when things get tough, a lot of people tend to run as fast as possible. but not you. you’re the friend who knows exactly what to say, or not to say, without me having to ask. you’re the friend who has attempted to cheer me up more times than i could ever count. you’re the friend that has basically done anything to help me get out of the house and out of my mind. you’re the one that’s listened to the same story, over and over and over again. you’re the one who has offered advice, knowing pretty darn well that i’m not going to take it. you’re also the friend who has never said “i told you so” when i didn’t follow above mentioned advice. you’re the one who has let me come sleep in your bed because i couldn’t stand another night alone. you sit with me, you laugh with me, you cry with me, you empathize with me, you pick me up when i feel like my world is crashing, you remind me that this is only a phase …. but most of all, you’ve stuck with me during the worst seasons of my life and i couldn’t love you more for it. you’re the reason that i have the tiniest bit of hope that this season of life will turn around. you’re the reason that i haven’t packed all of my belongings and disappeared across the country. you’re the reason that i’m able to stand on my own two feet sometimes. it takes a strong person to stick by someone who feels so broken, someone who feels so worthless, someone who feels like they keep taking hit after hit after hit. you’ve never left my side, no matter how low things got. the lower i got, the more you loved. the more negativity i portrayed, the more positivity you radiated. the more tears i cried, the more you tried to make me laugh. you will never regret being a good friend to someone who is going through a rough time. standing next to someone in the midst of a storm (that may feel never ending) and just holding their hand, giving them reassurance that it’s going to be okay… yeah, that is something not many people know how to do, but you do. i know it’s exhausting. you’re exhausted, i’m exhausted & we both know that my problems could be much worse. but you never say that, you just love me for who i am. whether the me that you’re loving is the happy version or the broken version – you just love me. thank you for not giving up on me. you stuck by my side when others decided that it was too much to handle, because you know that this is temporary. you know me, you know that i will bounce back & when i do – i cannot wait to celebrate you and shower you with the love you’ve shown me. thankful is not the correct word to describe you, dear friend, you deserve a word that means so much more. because as i finally see the horizon and the storm passing, i can truly say that i would have never made it through this season of life without you. so thank you, thank you for sticking around.
i love u tose message for best friends message for best friend – sweet and funny messages message for best friend : a best friend is someone whose presence means the world to you. your best friend not only knows all your secrets but also motivates you in difficult times. because of their presence in your life, your life feels beautiful. considering all that they do for you, isn’t it only natural for you to want to let them know the special place that only they have in your heart? and if you are clueless about how to convey your affection to your best friend, check out these emotional, sweet, funny, and inspiring messages given below. message for best friend sometimes i feel like i got you as a reward for some good work i did. i am incredibly lucky to have found you. i sincerely pray that our friendship will be so sweet forever. you have taught me what the meaning of true friendship is. every people got something good or bad in his life. you are the best thing i have got in my entire life. message-for-best-friend i know that no matter what happens, you will always be there for me. you have no idea how genuinely beautiful you are inside and out. thanks for cheering me up whenever i’m sad. my life has become more beautiful than ever since i met you. you are the best friend ever. whenever i need any mental or emotional support in life, you were always there for me, as a true friend. i’m so lucky that i have you! i can never express my love for you with words. it’s hard to imagine a life without you. being with you feels like paradise. thank you for being the perfect example of a best friend. when i think about you as a friend, i can only thank you for being the perfect example of friendship. thank god that he doesn’t place a price tag on friends. otherwise, i could never afford a valuable friend like you. no matter there are oceans, miles, and long ways in our friendship, nothing can make us far apart. our friendship is measured by our hearts. i miss you like anything. you are someone with whom i not only share my happiness but also share my sadness too. i love you, my best friend. you make me forget about my sorrows and sufferings. i have wondered about how you can see through my soul for some time now. i thank you every day for making me realize what is friendship. you mean so much to me. always take care of yourself. cute-message-for-best-friend i appreciate your love, kindness, and support! thanks for being a part of my life my friend. a friend like you is the biggest asset without any depreciation in the balance sheet of life. a true friend enlightens the entire life. thanks for being the “brightest light’ of my life. you are my best friend who listens, doesn’t judge and somehow makes everything alright. sometimes i feel proud of myself because i have you whom i can proud of. i am glad to have a caring soul like you. you never get tired of listening to me and always make me smile. and for all of that, you are someone very dear to my heart. do you still remember the good old days where we would do funny and stupid things together? life was magical back then. we may not be together now, but do we need to be physically present to share our friendship? funny message for best friend as soon as people heard our weird conversation, they will put us in a mental hospital. if we were on a sinking boat and we had only one life vest. i would miss you so much. don’t you think you should pay me for tolerating your stupid things 24/7? wish me luck so that i can do this job for a lifetime. funny-message-for-best-friend i will never break your heart; i will break your bones because you have 206 of them. we are best friends. because you don’t let me do stupid things.. alone. i think if i ever go to hell, it is because of your bad influence. you are annoying, crazy, dirty, and every negative thing i cannot say in public. but maybe that’s why we are best friends. we are best friends for so long. i can’t remember you or me is the bad influence. don’t worry my friend common sense is the flower that doesn’t grow in every human being like you. i will never let you feel you lonely. i will keep disturbing you. you are my favorite person with whom i like to pee in the ocean. don’t blame for my face that i make when i talk to you. sometimes i look at you and think how blessed you are to have an amazing friend like me. but you need to work more on your friendship skill, dude. ever thought why we have become best friends? because you are a loser like me. with whom i could share all the losing stories without you? stop eating my food. stop reading texts from my phone secretly. stop being awkward in public. you make me embarrassed every time. also, delete my awkward selfies from your phone. also read : best friendship messages motivational message for best friends to gain raw materials are the pain. look something beyond your pains. i wish you brighter days ahead. to prove anything to anyone don’t go out of the way of your mission. you will have fans and enemies whatever you want to do. little drops of water make an enormous ocean. your little efforts are contributions to the mighty results. let’s do great things together. sweet-message-for-best-friend make your mind not worrying but thinking. stop worrying about bad things and start thinking about a good way out of your problems. you will have challenges, no matter how much success you make. challenges are not for failures because they prepare you for others. when people with dirt at you just brush it off. but don’t be the cause why they through dirt at others. you have nothing to prove to them who don’t know your worth. you are only one who knows you more than anyone. don’t be discouraged of doing harder challenges. the blacker the coffee, the more effective the result. i haven’t confessed this to you, but you are my true inspiration and role model. having you as my best friend is the biggest blessing. your words never fail to motivate and encourage me. i feel so lucky to have you by my side. what would i do without your support and care? your unconditional love and care never cease to amaze me. thank you, bestie! i sometimes wonder how a man can do so much for his best friend. seeing your smiling face makes me happy in a different way, i cannot explain. no one can do so much for me like you. don’t you feel tired, my constant chatter, bestie? i wonder who i’d talk to at 2 am if we weren’t best friends. thanks. also read : emotional friendship messages best friend texts you are the guy who brightens my smile when you are with me. i am sure we will be best for so long. because we are so lazy to make new friends. you know i adore the strong and beautiful bonding between us. you are my best friend and mean a lot to me. sweet message for friend we are all made different from each other. so, don’t expect everyone to be like you. live every day as there is no past and future. concentrate on today. you are sunshine to my darkness. you can turn my sadness into happiness in just 5 min. no one understands me better than you. i don’t know how you get everything that’s going on in my mind. you help me every way i need it. you are not just my best friend; you are my sister too. best friend quotes “a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – walter winchell “a good friend knows all your stories. a best friend helped you create them.” -unknown “best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.” – unknown “a friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” – unknown “truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” – unknown “a single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” – leo buscaglia “best friends are the people in your life who make you smile brighter, laugh louder and live better.” – unknown “in this lifetime, if there’s anything you need, it’s a best friend.” – lea michele “true friends are those rare people who come to find you in dark places and lead you back to the light.” – unknown “rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” – jean de la fontaine “a friend is what the heart needs all the time.” – henry van dyke “many people will walk in and out of your life but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.” – eleanor roosevelt your best friend is an important character in your life. through the words of your best friend, you find the inspiration to become the best version of yourself. they are the ones who hear you out when you are troubled. and the ones who brighten your gloomy day. not a single stone is left unturned in their attempts to add happiness to your life. but do you do the same? you see, friendships are all about work. even though your best friend can practically read your mind, you should still let them know what they mean to you. beautiful souls, such as your best friend, deserve to be cherished. caring is a superpower; don’t be afraid to use it. send your best friend a thoughtful and heartfelt message now!
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