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To tose as you focus on the things you’re most grateful for this week of thanksgiving, today is a great day to turn your focus to the blessing of friendship. while relationships can look different for different people, consider some of your most cherished relationships. what do you love most about that person? does he or she push you to be a better person? does he or she encourage you? have you been through difficult times or shared some of the most treasured memories of your life with that person. whatever the case, use this as an opportunity to reach out and share your feelings. even if you have some friendships that have changed into something a little more negative, perhaps this is an opportunity to consider the positive things that still exist, or used to exist, within that relationship. perhaps consider whether or not it’s worth rekindling that friendship. also as you consider the blessings of friendship, here are some verses from the bible: ecclesiastes 4:9–12 two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. if one person falls, the other can reach out and help. but someone who falls alone is in real trouble. likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. but how can one be warm alone? a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. john 15:13–15 there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. you are my friends if you do what i command. i no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. now you are my friends, since i have told you everything the father told me. proverbs 22:24–25 don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul. proverbs 27:9 the heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. proverbs 27:5-6 an open rebuke is better than hidden love! wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.
to tose i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooooooo much i miss you december 15, 2015 6save it is not easy to miss your loved one and neither is expressing the emotions that engulf you… get inspired by the following messages and let your loved ones know about how you feel. my dear, i keep thinking about you nonstop. i feel so empty inside, my heart aches and my mind seems to be going wild. oh, i miss you so much! sweetheart, i just want you to know that i feel lost without you. i miss your smile, your kind and gentle touch, your sweet kiss, your loving presence. i miss you to the point of going crazy. i had no idea how much i would miss you, but now that you are far away, it hits me with a force of a full hurricane. i can’t stand alone, you are part of me and that will never change… you give me strength, love and happiness. come back soon, my dear! like a flower without water, like a sunrise without sun, like a world without light, without you i wither away, day by day more and more… i miss you very much. i hear my heart beating, but it’s not the same rhythm, it’s not the same joyful loudness. i miss you so much and my heart tells me with every single beat. i count the weeks, i count the days, i count the hours and the minutes until your return. i keep counting and thinking about you – it is all i can do every day. i miss you, my dear, with all my heart. i miss you i close my eyes and see your beautiful smile, i hear your sweet melodious voice, i smell your delightful aroma … my senses are heightened and my heart beats faster and faster. i don’t want to open my eyes to face the lonely world again. yes, i am so lonely without you. i miss you desperately. oh, my dear, how i wish you were here next to me. we belong together and whenever you are away, my soul cries out for you. i cling to the hope that the days will shrink to seconds and you will be with me soon. i really miss you! dear best friend, tose tomorrow in particular (it's national best friend day!), i want to thank you for everything you have done. when i say that, i mean it with every bone in my body because you really mean the world to me. sometimes i wonder how i ever got so lucky to meet a person like you. i can’t seem to pinpoint the exact moment our friendship began, but it is crazy to think about how in that moment, everything changed. since then, we have been there for each other through the good and the bad (and the really bad). i hope everyone has someone like you in their life.  thank you for giving me the most amazing advice. whether i need some major boy help, or just can’t decide what to wear to school, you are the first person i come to. with completely sincerity, i trust every piece of guidance you have given me.  to my dearst friend tose i just went yo tell u thank u mean sooooooo much to methank you for always being honest with me. it may not seem like it, but i appreciate it when you tell me i am overreacting, or that my hair is a mess. it’s not every day you find a friend that will tell you what you really need to hear.  thank you for always being there for me, through thick and thin. i can count on you for everything, whether it's liking my latest instagram pic or giving me a well needed hug. through the many fights with my mom, the heartbreak disasters and the ridiculous drama with other friends, you have always known how to cheer me up. you make me realize that while my problems seem like the end of the world, next week they will not even matter thank you for letting me be part of your family. i have never felt like a stranger in your home. i feel like i have a second mom because of you, and i know your family will always be there for me just like my family will be there for you. you are not just my bestie, but my sister.  thank you for making me a better person. i know that i have become a kinder, smarter and overall happier person since meeting you. i think throughout our friendship we have learned a lot from each other. you are the meredith grey to my christina yang...we are our best when we're together.  thank you for making so many of my memories ones that will last forever. our road trips and vacays have been epic, but our movie nights are just as special to me. just thinking about the times we sang at the top of our lungs to our favorite songs, makes me smile. remember all those lol worthy moments that literally made our drinks come out our noses? i will never forget them.  lastly, thank you for putting up with me. somehow you have never given up on me, no matter how ridiculous i can get. you never judge me when i talk about the same boy over and over that i have been crushing on for years. you think that my odd sense of humor is hilarious and always join in when i’m laughing. you continuously let me bake cupcakes with you, even though you know i will make a mess. you let me pick the movie every time, yet i know you hate rom-coms. you have stayed in on nights you have wanted to go out, just because i wasn’t feeling well. for all of this, i am so grateful. i’m not sure what i would do without you. thanks for being *you*.  love, your best friend 
to tose i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooooooo much i miss you december 15, 2015 6save it is not easy to miss your loved one and neither is expressing the emotions that engulf you… get inspired by the following messages and let your loved ones know about how you feel. my dear, i keep thinking about you nonstop. i feel so empty inside, my heart aches and my mind seems to be going wild. oh, i miss you so much! sweetheart, i just want you to know that i feel lost without you. i miss your smile, your kind and gentle touch, your sweet kiss, your loving presence. i miss you to the point of going crazy. i had no idea how much i would miss you, but now that you are far away, it hits me with a force of a full hurricane. i can’t stand alone, you are part of me and that will never change… you give me strength, love and happiness. come back soon, my dear! like a flower without water, like a sunrise without sun, like a world without light, without you i wither away, day by day more and more… i miss you very much. i hear my heart beating, but it’s not the same rhythm, it’s not the same joyful loudness. i miss you so much and my heart tells me with every single beat. i count the weeks, i count the days, i count the hours and the minutes until your return. i keep counting and thinking about you – it is all i can do every day. i miss you, my dear, with all my heart. i miss you i close my eyes and see your beautiful smile, i hear your sweet melodious voice, i smell your delightful aroma … my senses are heightened and my heart beats faster and faster. i don’t want to open my eyes to face the lonely world again. yes, i am so lonely without you. i miss you desperately. oh, my dear, how i wish you were here next to me. we belong together and whenever you are away, my soul cries out for you. i cling to the hope that the days will shrink to seconds and you will be with me soon. i really miss you!
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first of all: i love you. to tose my best friend forever i know i have said it hundreds of millions of times in the many years we’ve been friends, but as we begin this next chapter of our lives, i needed to be sure to remind you. and i will continue to every chance i get. i love you. i love you. i love you. there are so many things i want to say to you. so many things i need you to know before we go our separate ways and begin the rest of our lives. you know the scattered mess that is my mind, and you also know the pace at which thoughts are constantly running through it. here’s a glimpse… we have basically seen each other every day since we were five. you have never been more than a five-minute drive away. how are we supposed to survive living in two separate cities? how can you leave when you know i cannot possibly come with you? what will i do? how will i cope? the reason i don’t worry about you is because i know you will be fine. you will blossom in your new environment and succeed like you always do. darn you. you will have everyone falling in love with you from day one. you know it’s true. these are the selfish thoughts that have run through my mind as i prepare for your upcoming departure, but i promise you i do not allow myself to dwell on these thoughts, so they never last very long and they pale in comparison to my feelings of pride and excitement for you. i am so freaking proud of you. you are chasing your dream. no. you were chasing it, but you caught up to it, tackled it to the ground and showed it who’s boss. i have never been so proud to call you my best friend. you deserve this and you are going to be great because this is what you were meant to do. i am so excited to see your beautiful future unfold. i know you will achieve amazing success and i cannot wait to hear all about it. but this is what i mean. i have to hear about it. not witness it firsthand and experience it with you. you have been by my side since day one. we have grown together, learned together, and overcome each and every obstacle that life has thrown at us. together. we have always been together. like mario & luigi. burt & ernie. batman &robyn. tina & amy. lorelai & suki. meredith & christina. it’s me & you. the two of us. we have experienced the joy and satisfaction of completing bilingual diplomas, the excitement of new life and new beginnings, the devastation of losing loved ones, the pain of heartbreaks, and the comfort of always having someone by your side through all the ups and downs. we are the stereotypical, corny best friends whose hearts beat as one. we are soulmates in a friend way and now we must learn to be okay not together (i refuse to say apart, because with a bond like ours, we will never truly be without each other). one of my favourite things about our friendship is the honesty we share with each other and how we allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable without fear of judgement. so i will be honest now because i know you won’t think any less of me for it… i’m scared. i’m scared to face this next chapter of my life without my other half. i’m scared you will move on and not need me. i’m scared i will crash and burn without you holding me up and supporting me. but most of all i am scared things will never be the same. because i know they won’t be. i don’t mean this in a negative way, but i am forcing myself to face reality which is that we are growing up and moving on with our lives. we are no longer the young innocent undergrads with undecided futures, we are the veteran students, the future nurse and the future lawyer, professional college students. so as we are on the brink of the future, i wanted to take a moment to write you this because soon we will be caught up in the hustle and bustle of grad schools and eventually full-time careers. i know we will continue to make time for each other, and if anything our friendship will only grow to new levels never before possible! but right now, in this moment, i wanted to take the time to thank you. thank you for showing me what it means to be a true, loving, supportive, and forgiving friend. thank you for always believing in me, especially when i didn’t deserve it and when i failed to believe in myself. thank you for reminding me it’s okay to not be perfect while at the same time constantly making it seem as though i was as close to perfection as i could be. thank you for ensuring that the standards to which i hold myself are adequate and not drastically lowered as i often do. thank you for understanding my text messages when they are packed full of typos. thank you for all the wonderful undergrad memories, both drunken and sober. thank you for understanding my never-ending love (need) for starbucks. thank you for being one of the most beautiful gifts from god. i would not have made it this far had it not been for you. you are my soul sister and my other half. i want to clarify: this is not a goodbye. nor is it a send-off letter. this is a love letter. a see ya later alligator. a good luck wish. because you know i am much better at writing my emotions down than i am at expressing them verbally. but you can bet your bottom dollar i will be saying all of this to you again. every. single. day. so i sure as hell hope you have unlimited data on your phone and a nice spot for me to sleep when i come visit. now what do you say we go celebrate? i could use a drink. tc mark
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To tose i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu soooooooooo much i miss you december 15, 2015 6save it is not easy to miss your loved one and neither is expressing the emotions that engulf you… get inspired by the following messages and let your loved ones know about how you feel. my dear, i keep thinking about you nonstop. i feel so empty inside, my heart aches and my mind seems to be going wild. oh, i miss you so much! sweetheart, i just want you to know that i feel lost without you. i miss your smile, your kind and gentle touch, your sweet kiss, your loving presence. i miss you to the point of going crazy. i had no idea how much i would miss you, but now that you are far away, it hits me with a force of a full hurricane. i can’t stand alone, you are part of me and that will never change… you give me strength, love and happiness. come back soon, my dear! like a flower without water, like a sunrise without sun, like a world without light, without you i wither away, day by day more and more… i miss you very much. i hear my heart beating, but it’s not the same rhythm, it’s not the same joyful loudness. i miss you so much and my heart tells me with every single beat. i count the weeks, i count the days, i count the hours and the minutes until your return. i keep counting and thinking about you – it is all i can do every day. i miss you, my dear, with all my heart. i miss you i close my eyes and see your beautiful smile, i hear your sweet melodious voice, i smell your delightful aroma … my senses are heightened and my heart beats faster and faster. i don’t want to open my eyes to face the lonely world again. yes, i am so lonely without you. i miss you desperately. oh, my dear, how i wish you were here next to me. we belong together and whenever you are away, my soul cries out for you. i cling to the hope that the days will shrink to seconds and you will be with me soon. i really miss you!
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You will always hold my heart i remember the first time we met. it is something i will never forget. the beauty that was shown in your face takes me to a very special place. a warm feeling as you walked into the room. little did i know that i would never again see you; it came so soon. did i do something? was it right or was it wrong? it still haunts me like a very sad song. i now have to live without you but know that you are oh so near. it was such a tragedy, something i will always fear. i have come to accept it now that you are not here with me. i guess it was fate, something that was meant to be. if it were my decision, you would still be here. it seems that you have disappeared. my heart has lost you; it hurts just to think you were here one moment, then you were gone in a blink. i miss your smile. i miss your face. i miss your warm and tender embrace. who would have known how it would have ended? who would have known? i know that because of you, my heart will always be alone. i am keeping my heart open, trying to be strong. loving a woman like you can never be wrong.
To my dear friend forever and always tose i love you with all my heart my love, when you are down, i will still hold you, even in your worst you will always be attractive. even when the world throws challenges at you, i will always be by your side because i love you with all of my heart. my love for you is true and pure, you consume my thoughts. a day spent without your thoughts is a day not spent well. i love you with all my heart. out of a billion people in the world, i have chosen you to love and protect. you are more than gold, more than treasure to my heart. i love u with all my heart. i don’t love you for your looks, or your money. i love you for whom you are. i love you with my heart i love you with all my heart messages for her with you by my side, my life is complete, my love life is secure. i love you from my heart. i love you unconditionally, each time i am with you, my life feels complete, and you make me feel secure. i love you with all my heart your love is the pillar of my life, i love you so much. when the thought of you comes into my mind, the moment we have shared together, my heart is filled with joy and happiness. i feel complete with you. i love you with all my heart i care for you so much, i love you beyond word expressions, and my heart beats for you. i love you so much with all my heart. you are an amazing person, your love is magical. you instantly changed my way of life. i never knew love existed until i met you. you are my paradise and i love you with my heart. i can’t hide any longer, you are my queen, my love, the one i vow to be with and protect till the end of time. i love you from my heart. i love you with all my heart messages i promise to love you with all my heart, in times of darkness i will be there for you, to bring light into your life, in times of danger i will be there to protect you. i love you with all my life. since you crossed my path of life, the space which was empty in my life is now filled with love and happiness. i now smile more, and do things with ease knowing there is someone always there for me. i really love you with all my heart. also read : i am lost without you poems being with you feels like paradise, i never want to stop loving you. you are just beautiful and amazing. i love you with all of my heart. it is true; i love her with all my heart. i cannot deny the feeling; it’s so deep in my heart. you are my heart desire. you are so wonderful; you are my heart beat, my one and only beat in my heart. i love you my heart. darling, i know you doubt my love for you. i just want you to know, i love you passionately with all my heart. i love you with all my heart quotes my dear husband, you are my heart desire; i will do anything for you, even if it means leaving my career and traveling with you. i love you with all my heart. my wish is to give you everything you ever desire. to ensure you are the happiest person on earth. i will shower you with all my love. i love you so much my love. your love intoxicates me, i can’t live without you, you give me the strength to work harder and provide for you. i love you with my whole heart. the little moments we have spent together are the best moments ever in my life. i will cherish every moment with you forever. i love you with every beat of my heart. every day is a journey, a journey that i always dream of, a journey that i want to be with you every step on the way, because you are a treasure that i always dream of never losing; i love you with all my heart. from the beginning, i loved you with all my heart, that has not changed, i will forever love you with all my heart. i love you so much that i cannot even imagine a life without you. i give you all my love and love you with all of my heart. i love you with all my heart and soul quotes i love you with all my heart messages for her sweetheart, every time i close my eyes, you are the one i see, i can feel you deep in my heart. you are the only one, who can fit into my heart. i love you with all my heart. if you feel the same, please tell me, my love for you is so deep from the bottom of my heart. i am praying for us to have a bright future as a couple. i love you love you with my whole heart. my love for you is 100 percent; i give you all my attention. i will always ensure you are happy and comfortable in life. i love you with my whole entire heart. if loving you is wrong and if it means life imprisonment, then i would love to serve a life sentence. you mean so much to me; a life without you is meaningless. i love you with all my heart. i love you more than words can express. it is so real and i can feel it. there is no way i can resist your love. you are so precious to my heart. so unique and i cannot get enough of you. i love you with all my heart. i never wish to stop loving you; you are a treasure to my heart. you give me joy and happiness. you are the one i love with all my heart and i will love you with all my last breath. i love you with all my heart messages 1. sweetheart, you are my one and only desire. my life revolves around you. i love you with all my heart. also read : you are heaven sent quotes, messages & poem 2. i can’t imagine my life without your love. everywhere you go, i will go. i will love you forever. 3. darling, i love you with all my heart. i give everything in my life. you are my soul mate 4. it has been a wonderful day; i want you to know that i love you from the bottom of my heart. 5. you have always been in my dreams even before i met you. you are my dream come true. i love you. 6. honey, my love for you knows no limits; i love you with all my heart. 7. words cannot describe, all i know is that i love you with all my heart. 8. each time i look at you, i find myself smiling for no reason. you have stolen my heart and i love you with all my heart. i love you with all my heart poem 9. i love you more than anything in this world, i will always cherish you. 10. my love for you can never change, no matter what happens i will always be there for you. i love you with all my heart. i love you with all my heart quotes find i love you with all my heart quotes below 1. there are times i may upset you, there are times you might make me sad, but my love for you will always remain. i love you with all my heart. 2. darling, i have given everything just to see a smile on your face because i love you with all my heart. 3. sweetheart, i love you with all my heart, i will forever be yours. 4. in you i find my shining star, i love you with all my heart. 5. you broke my heart, but i still love you with all my heart. 6. i cannot do much, but my love for you still burns within me. i love you with all my heart honey. 7. i would do anything to make you happy all because i love you with all my heart. 8. we may not be together, but i can’t hide my feelings because love you with all my heart. 9. i might not be perfect, but i promise to love you with all my heart. 10. with all my heart, with all my energy, i promise to love you with all my heart forever. i love you with all my heart and soul quotes you are love is pure sunshine to my heart; it feels so beautiful having you in my life baby. i love you with all my heart and soul. i never knew i was the luckiest person on earth, until i met you. you are a gem to my heart, my best friend and best companion. l love you with all my soul and heart. my heart is always open for you; you are the one who holds the key to my heart. i will never love like i do for you. i really love you with all my heart and soul. each time i think of you, how deep i realize i love you. you are my future, my dreams, and my soul mate. i can’t stop loving you; you make my heart beat for you. i love you with all my heart and soul. each day i wake up, it feels so amazing waking up next to you, knowing you are my dream and future. i truly love you with all my heart and soul. also read : i will always be here for you - messages, quotes & poems let me hold you tight, whisper the sweet words to your ear, tell you how you mean the world to me. let me fulfill all the promises i have made to you. l love you with all my heart and soul. darling, every second of my life, i cannot stop thinking of you. i feel you more and more everyday than i feel myself. this is because i love you with all my heart and soul. the love from my heart is all yours. the best decision i have ever made in life is choosing you. having you by my side makes me the luckiest person in the whole world. i want to let you know i love you so much with all my heart and soul. you might not see it or know but you are an exceptional woman that my heart met and chose. i genuinely love you with all my heart and soul. i love you with all my heart poem sweetheart, you are the dream of my life i love you with all my heart you are the one my heart beats for i will treasure you all the days of my life the first time i saw you my heart skipped a beat i knew you were the one from that day i have never stopped thinking about you i love being with you to hold and feel you your love is all i want i love you with all my heart i can’t live without you i want to be with you always through the journey of life you make me feel as if i own the world you are the best queen ever i love you with the whole of my heart i want you to know i love you so much i surrender my heart to you poem you are my star in the sky you are the light of my life you are my happiness i surrender my heart to you take my heart as it is i want to have you for ever i don’t want to ever lose you i surrender my heart to you now that i found you i don’t want to ever search for you i surrender my heart to you it’s yours to keep i will fill your heart with happiness it will never be empty as my heart will always be close to you to you, my heart i surrender. i will no longer pretend i can’t count the nights i have stayed awake my heart belongs to you i surrender my heart to you i love you so much
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