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I'll never forget you dear tose , from the botom of the heart and soul i know u are watching and smilling over i can’ t stop looking at your pictures a and i can’ t stop lisening to your songs me i went u to know that i love and miss u soooooooooo much i will always keep u in my heart and i will always and forever chairich u i'll never forget you i promise you i won't i'll never stop loving you i promise you i won't i can't promise i won't miss you and i can't promise i won't cry all that i can promise is that i'll do my best to try i hope i see you again shipped out at age nineteen to join the marines please come back to me i remember your smile i can't forget your laugh i still feel your hugs how can i forget? you made me laugh you made me cry you gave me hope and made me try you threw me down into depression then you reached out and pulled me back up i know you care you gave me my life i'm so glad i met you i think about you a lot there's no way i could forget you we've been through too much i'll never forget you i promise you i won't i'll never stop loving you i promise you i won't
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My best friend i love u tose i love and miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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To tose no matter what published: october 2008 there are times when you will upset me and cause me unwanted anger, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there are cruel words you might say that will cause me hurt and bring me sadness, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there are going to be unwise decisions you make that will disappoint me, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there are actions you might act upon that will cause me to worry about you, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there will be moments where you will make me cry and bring me to tears, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there will be unforgivable mistakes that you bring upon me, but no matter what, "i will always love you." there will be lies told to me in which you test my trust in you, but no matter what, "i will always love you." in life there are struggles, arguments, and challenges we will have to endure, but no matter what happens, i want you to know that, "i will always love you," now and forevermore!
To tose forever friends we're joined in a friendship that time cannot sever with bonds we have built we'll remain friends forever we're welded in spirit attached by our hearts and fused by the feelings that friendship emparts we're tied by emotions connected by dreams reinforced by our hopes unified by extremes no longer a function of time or of space our love is a substance that life won't replace no matter how distant we'll always endeavour to sense the full meaning of friendship forever sometimes in life, you find a special friend; someone who changes your life just by being part of it. someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. this is forever friendship. when you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. if you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. if you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. and if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete, because you need not worry. you have a forever friend for life, and forever has no end.
to my best friend tose below are some of you are my best friend 1. you are my true friend, always there when i need you most, loving and comforting. you always encourage me through life. i love you my friend. 2. friends are known to be protective and caring. you are that friend who will always be cherished. 3. i have never met a person like you; you have such a great personality. you are just the best. 4. you are the brother that i didn’t have; your presence is calming and loving. you always give me hope and a sense of living. 5. no matter how much we fight, we will always be friends. you are a wonderful person, and will always appreciate our friendship. 6. a good friend is always there when you need them most; you are always there for me. thank you for being there for me. 7. since i met you, you have always shared everything you have with me. you are an amazing person. may our friendship last forever! is difficult to keep friends, though you are always in my heart. one of a kind friend, i love you. 9. you are a great friend, i love the thought that you are always in my heart. thanks for being that special person in my life. 10. i am glad to have a friend like you that i can i always count on. dear friend, you are one in a million 11. what else do i need in a friend, or what else can i ask for? you are responsible, caring, reliable and understanding 12. you are my mentor, a sister, my advisor and a friend. i will always treasure our friendship. 13. the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life is being part of you. thanks for being a great friend. 14. i celebrate this day with you, because you are a special friend in my life. 15. thank you for the inspiration, you are such a wonderful pal. 16. thank you for filling my life with happiness, life without people like you is worthless 17. you are a true friend, everywhere i go, you are always in my heart. 18. you are an angel sent to guide me, if it was not you, i would be lost. 19. no matter how hard i try, i cannot find a friend like you, you have shaped my life in many ways 20. i am glad our friendship gave me a new meaning in life. you gave me hope and a purpose to work hard. 21. money cannot buy friendship, you are a true friend. the bond will remain forever. 22. i feel comfortable and able to say anything when i am with you. thanks for being that special friend. 23. we were once strangers, now you are part of me, you are too dear to me, a good friend indeed. 24. thank you for being that special friend in my life, you are just amazing person. 25. you are the greatest thing that ever happened in my life. you are full of love and compassion. 26. thank you for being there for me, you are a caring and loving friend. i love you 27. our friendship started when we were young kids, we have grown together, played together and here we are, great friends. you are a wonderful friend. 28. when you are not near, i can always feel your absence, you are part of my heart. thank you for being my best friend. 29. the best thing that came into my life is a friend like you, thank you for being there for me 30. i will always cherish our friendship 31. my dear friend, our friendship will last forever, i will always make sure the bond lasts. looking for best friend text messages or text message for best friend? when you have a friend, they normally play a very important role in our life. best friends understand us better even before we utter a word. it’s good to appreciate our best friends and one way to do so is through special messages for friends. find more messages for best friend below 1. thank you for always seeing the positive side of me, you have really motivated me. 2. without you in my life, i don’t know where i would be. i really value our friendship. thank you for being my best friend. 3. friends like you make the world a better place to live. i cherish you my dear friend. 4. i’m so grateful for this friendship i share with you. you are a very special friend to me. 5. you are my best friend ever as you have never betrayed my trust. my secrets are always safe with you and yours with me. life is awesome with you! you are an amazing friend; you are always honest on everything. you never lie just to make me happy even if i am on the wrong. i will always treasure our friendship you give meaning to true friendship. thank you for always sticking with me. you know how to make me even when i am sad, have the ability to make me smile in my worst moments. you have the most beautiful heart ever. you are the best friend ever, and i promise i will never let you down. having you as a friend is the best gift that ever happened in my life. i am very happy to have you as a friend, a friend who does not see me unworthy. i thank god for giving me a friend like you, a person to love and spend time with. friendship makes life magical, spending time together and having fun, i can wish for another person other than you. my friend, i can’t imagine a day without you. loneliness would wear me out. you are my best friend from the time i met you i knew you were the one the love grew into what it is you brought love into my life i never knew it would feel this way you brought meaning into my life you gave me a reason to live you brought happiness into our family you are my happiness when i am sad you are my strength when i am weak you are my best friend when i need you you are always there you are my hope and inspiration you are my best friend you’re my sunshine the best friend that i ever had oh! i have never been this close to someone you are my best friend
Dear tose my best friend it's nice to have met you. we've been friends for god-knows-how-long, and you're always there for me. thank you so much for the love and care. i may not be the best 'best friend', but you will always be the best personal body guard for me(hehe). if ever you feel sad, remember that i am here. even if we live a thousand lives, i will always pick you as my beloved best friend. and i'm sorry i always burn the hell out of the eggs that i cook for you, but i'm sure you're too kind to even tell me to stop trying before i burn down the house. and i'm sorry i copy your math assignment all the time. i mean, i suck at math and i need to because i'm too lazy to do my math hw. i mean, i let you copy my english work, so...i guess it's fair? anyway, it's fun being with you. hope you never change. and yes, sorry for calling you names. faithfully yours, anna. flag *
Dear tose, it's nice to have met you. we've been friends for god-knows-how-long, and you're always there for me. thank you so much for the love and care. i may not be the best 'best friend', but you will always be the best personal body guard for me(hehe). if ever you feel sad, remember that i am here. even if we live a thousand lives, i will always pick you as my beloved best friend. and i'm sorry i always burn the hell out of the eggs that i cook for you, but i'm sure you're too kind to even tell me to stop trying before i burn down the house. and i'm sorry i copy your math assignment all the time. i mean, i suck at math and i need to because i'm too lazy to do my math hw. i mean, i let you copy my english work, so...i guess it's fair? anyway, it's fun being with you. hope you never change. and yes, sorry for calling you names. faithfully yours, love always mary
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